Rather than making empty promises, our team strongly consider risks and insurability. Our scope of services can be flexibly agreed upon. We place a high value on service quality, setting realistic expectations, and ensuring customer satisfaction. As an insurance broker, we can offer the following services:

D&O Insurance (Directors & Officers)

D&O insurance provides coverage for financial loss on account of directors’ & officers’ liability The policyholder is a legal entity, usually a GmbH (limited liability company) or AG (public limited company). Partnerships can also cover their risk similar that of directors’ & officers’ liability. Coverage is extended to subsidiaries automatically. D&O insurance covers both the costs of defending against unfounded claims and indemnification for valid claims. We can furthermore provide personal D&O insurance and deductible insurance, provided that we manage the businesses D&O insurance.

Fidelity Insurance

Fidelity insurance covers financial losses caused by trusted individuals through intentional unauthorised acts, particularly those involving embezzlement, theft, fraud, forgery, computer fraud, and other misappropriations. The insurance also partially covers damages caused by hacker intrusions.

Trusted individuals generally include all employees, including temporary workers and interns, as well as managing directors, board members, and individuals employed in employee-like positions within the insured company (e.g., security, maintenance, and cleaning personnel).

Criminal Defense Insurance

Criminal defense insurance covers the costs incurred by the members of the executive management bodies and all other employees of the policyholder as well as its subsidiaries if preliminary subject to investigative, criminal, administrative offense, disciplinary, or professional disciplinary proceedings.


IPO Insurance (Prospectus Liability Insurance, Public Offering of Securities Insurance, POSI)

IPO insurance, also known as prospectus liability insurance, provides coverage for the prospectus liability risk of the issuing company and its executives, as well as the responsible individuals involved, in the event of a securities offering.

Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI)

EPLI insurance provides coverage for claims for damages by former, current, and future employees related to:

  • Discrimination
  • Sexual harassment
  • Wrongful termination

and other legal grounds arising from the employment and job application relationship.

Fiduciary Liability Insurance / Pension Trustee Liability Insurance (PTL)

Fiduciary Liability Insurance, also known as Pension Trustee Liability Insurance, offers coverage for individuals and entities who are responsible for overseeing and managing pension fund assets.

Kidnap, Ransom & Extortion Insurance (KR&E)

Kidnap, Ransom & Extortion Insurance provides coverage in the event of the kidnapping and extortion of family members or employees of a company.

Warranties & Indemnities Insurance (W&I)

Typically, Warranties & Indemnities Insurance provides coverage in the event of a company acquisition or sale for contractual warranty statements in the purchase agreement and the liability exposure of the warrantor deriving from the sales & purchase agreement. Additionally, it can cover first- and third-party losses, including defence costs.

Professional Liability Insurance / Errors & Omissions Insurance (E&O)

The most well-known professional liability insurance policies are those for lawyers, tax advisors, and auditors. However, many other service providers and industries can also protect themselves against the risk of causing financial losses to third parties in the course of their daily business operations with professional liability (PL) or errors and omissions (E&O) coverage. For larger risks, such as those in the financial services and IT industries, the need for coverage and support is correspondingly higher.

Employment Contract Legal Expenses Insurance

Executives are required to personally bear the cost of insurance premiums for coverage against substantial legal expenses arising from employment-related disputes. Insurers typically only cover this risk in combination with other management legal expenses or D&O insurance policies, which are paid for by the company. It is important to distinguish this insurance service from the considerably more affordable Employment Legal Expenses Insurance, which is offered to employees below the executive level.

+49 221 299 991 70

Get in touch with us

Köberich Financial Lines GmbH & Co. KG
Am Hof 30
50667 Köln

Call us on +49 221 299 991 70